
Will Employers Take My Online Degree Seriously?

Will Employers Take My Online Degree Seriously? In a fantasyland where it rains bacon, shoulder massages cost a nickel, and parking tickets are actually Starbucks gift cards, you can totally afford to go to online college simply for the love of learning. But here, in the real world, you need to get paid. We’re sympathetic to your priorities. If you’re in online college right now, or planning to attend online college, employment is one of your utmost concerns. Obviously you’re here to learn. Obviously you plan to grow as a person. Obviously it’s cool that you get to take a few electives simply for personal enrichment. But when all is said and done, you aren’t out there earning a degree just so you can staple it to the wall and hang out in coffee shops pontificating the mysteries of life. Unless you plan to work in a coffee shop and have the ability to multitask, in which case, pontificate away. You’re all set. For the rest of you, getting a degree from your online colleg...


CHOOSING AN ONLINE SCHOOL Here at The Best Colleges, our mission is to help you get the best education possible, whether delivered at a traditional brick-and-mortar college or through an online degree program. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, depending on your location and learning style. Other factors that may influence your learning experience include the kind of program you plan to pursue and the timeline you have in mind to earn your degree, such as if you are seeking an accelerated program. For students looking to explore the ever-expanding world of degrees from online colleges, we feature dedicated pages on our site for some of the best accredited online colleges and universities in the country. Earning a college degree requires a significant investment of time, energy, and money, no matter how you look at it. However, programs from online colleges can provide a much more flexible schedule than their classroom-based counterparts -- a major perk for student...